Reveries and Passions: 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 9:33 PM |

hmmm...being in a romantic relationship...being committed to one individual...which hopefully will lead to marriage. it seems like the majority of people around me are either in one, gonna be in one, or looking to be in one. i think i'm at an age where it's like..."hey God, i know...i might be about ready for my Eve to enter my life"...kinda deal. but alas, nay seems to be the answer i keep getting.

once upon a time, four bano brothers (aw, bc, kc, sh) decided to make a pact for singleness...long story short, the author of this blog is gonna be the apparant winner of the pact. except...when you win this actually lose. indeed, when you win you lose, and when you lose you win.

whenever i hear your voice, there is movement in my bowel
it is a movement of love, not because what i ate was foul
an expression of passion, every turn and every growl
to the girl whose name starts with a consonant or a vowel

Sunday, May 28, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 4:37 PM |

just read this excerpt from Donald Miller's "Searching for God Knows What"...

"I don't want the perfect girl, really. You figure every girl is beautiful, you know. It's our arrogance that makes us think one is better than the other."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I don't know. I was just thinking about girls the other day and wondering, you know, why some girls just get ignored and others get worshipped, and I really got this feeling in my chest like all of that wasn't true. Can't be true. Doesn't make sense. Like maybe if you can't love a girl who isn't all perfect, then you can't really love a girl who is. Not for real. Not unconditionally."


"You know what I want in a woman, Paul?"

"What's that"

"A friend. A true friend, someone who knows me and loves me anyway. You know, like when I'm through putting my best foot forward, she's still there, still the same. I meet these people and it's all conditional, like you were saying. They are in it for themselves. They are friends with you because you fit the image they want to portray. It's a selfish thing. Do you know what I mean? I'd like to get a girl who doesn't think like that. Don't get me wrong. She's got to be proud of her husband, I know that. I don't mind trying to make it easy on her in that way. But all in all, there's got to be some sort of soul mate thing going on. That's gonna take work, I think. There are some people in this world who love their spouse because they provide them with the life they want, and there are others who love their spouse just because they've chosen to, or because love has chosen them, or whatever. Something way back endeared one to the other and they made a decision to lock into it."


"I'm just saying I want her to love me at my worst."

and i wanna be able to love her at her her with the warts and all.
wow. i feel the sap coming back.

he looks
she looks
their eyes meet

captivated by passion
motivated by love
driven by desire

eyes locked
lips sealed
arms entangled

passion is unleashed
love is in the air
desire flares its nostrils

then he farts
she farts
and they faint

the end.

Saturday, May 27, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 1:00 AM |

to k.c. and b.c.:

Auberge du Pommier. summerlicious. dinner.


[a passage from a post 2 yrs ago]

When the prophets complained loudly about God's hiddenness, God didn't argue. He agreed with them, and then explained why he was keeping his distance. To Jeremiah, God expressed his disgust with what he saw in Israel: dishonest gain, the shedding of innocent blood, oppression, extortion. He covered his eyes, he said, refusing even to see hands spread out in a posture of prayer, for those hands were covered wih blood. To Ezekiel, God explained that once Israel's rebellions had passed a certain point, he simply "gave them over" to their sins. He withdrew, letting the people choose their own way and bear the consequences. To Zechariah, he said, "When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen."

My slowness to act is a sign of mercy, not of weakness.

When God did not punish quickly, the people of Israel presumed he had lost his power: "He will do nothing! No harm will come to us; we will never see sword or famine." They were wrong. God's restraint marked an interlude of mercy, a time of probation he was granting Israel. Reluctantly, like a parent out of options, God resorted to punishment.

Thursday, May 25, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 9:55 PM |

wow, awkward way ticket.
just found out my co-coop-student reads my blog =)
uh oh, i hope she forgives me...heh
yea, i'm sorry...again!

i'll try not to be a huge jerktard in the future =D

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 8:02 PM |

Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my vision
O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me
Save that Thou art
Thou my best thought
In the day and the night
Waking or sleeping
Thy presence my light

Be Thou my wisdom
Be Thou my true word
I ever with Thee
And Thou with me Lord
Be Thou my breastplate
My sword for the fight
Be Thou my armour
And be Thou my might

Riches I heed not
Nor man's empty praise
Thou my inheritance
Now and always
Thou and thou only
Thou first in my heart
High King of heaven
My treasure Thou art
My treasure You are

High King of heaven
When battle is done
Grant heaven's joy to me
Bright heaven's Sun
Christ thou my own heart
Whatever befall
Still be my vision
My ruler of all
My ruler of all

Visions cannot be must be caught.
God, let me catch the coat-tail of Your vision.

Monday, May 08, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 7:47 PM |

dang diggity donuts

after a week of textbook editin'...i know that cubicle work ain't somethin' that'll tickle my fancy. sittin' on my glutes for 8 hours a days is ridiculously tiring. i also interact very little with people as most of my work involves...well, the textbook. i've become quite quaint with Holt Environmental Science, yet i do not even know the guy's name in the cubicle across me.

...and i'm also beginning to lose my ability to socialize. sometimes when i try to talk, i'd get tongue-tied and slurred. havin' very little human interaction and sunlight has resurrected my hermit state similar to that during final exams.

i foresee myself gainin' 50 pounds this summer and making 14...inanimate friends.

the only ray of hope i see is...softball...cause that's the only sport where fat-mans rule and non-artificial UV light aboundeth.

also haven't been really inspired to write/do anything poetically mesmerizing either. no fair maiden to spark that Haiku nor ribs succulent enough to make me eat it with retributive justice.

therefore i will combine some of my favourites rhymes together to make...a poem never poemed before.


Your smiles make my heart fart,
Your eyes make my liver quiver.
Your voice hearkens my bladder gladder,
Basically, when i see you...i wanna throw up.

The End.