Reveries and Passions: 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 11:01 PM |

awesome song and awesome fight scene.

for some odd reason i'm really lookin' forward to this yr's softball season.

"Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens." [Song of Songs 2:2]

one day i will have the courage.

Monday, February 20, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 7:19 PM |

Grace and Love

Many things in life are hard for me
Many things can pull us down
I don't understand why I do what I do
How could I take my eyes off You
After all You've done for me
And after all You've done for me

It's by Your grace and love I am saved
It's by Your grace and love You've forgiven me,
And by that love and grace, I'm amazed
It's by Your grace and love I am free
I am free

And it's by grace and love that I am free
I'll live with You eternally
I thank You Lord that I am free
I thank You Lord for loving me
I thank You Lord for dying upon the tree of Calvary
I thank You Lord for loving me
I thank You Lord for dying for me

Because it's by grace and love I am saved
It's by Your grace and love You've forgiven me,
And by that love and grace, I'm amazed
It's by Your grace and love I am free
I am free

Many things in life are hard for me
But by grace and love You've forgiven me
And by grace and love we are free

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 9:22 PM |

just cause...'s that time of the year again.

someone to protect and to fight for.

Sunday, February 12, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 11:02 PM |

i think i have a thing for...

...animated fair-maidens.

2004 - Rinoa (FFVIII)
2005 - Winry (FMA)
2006 - Tifa (FFVII - Advent Children)

this is probably due to the consequence of my non-existent love life in the human realm, that i've decided to take myself into the pixelated world to explore romance. oh how many times i've put myself in the shoes of Squall, Ed and Cloud to woo the hearts of the maidens in distress. and how many times i've snapped back to reality realizing that...chicks probably don't dig blubber all that much.

frig, i sound like a pretty darn big dork right about now...

one day i will be
a man after God's own heart
until the goal is reached
this journey i shall start

though i may stumble
and i may fall
i've counted the cost
i'm giving it my all

pain and sorrow
death and strife
continual torment
of not having a wife

i count this all lost
compared to the prize
of knowing the cross
the cross of Jesus Christ

"We love because He first loved us." [1 John 4:19]

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 9:01 PM |

oh Rinoa...

oh Tifa...

oh another person's name that starts with a consonant...

"Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." [Song of Songs 2:7b]

Friday, February 03, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 10:02 AM |

Praise the Lord Hallelujah Thank God

and no, i don't owe anyone dinner.

Year 2006 has been a year of "firsts". What an interesting night last night was. i was merrily typing away on msn when all of a sudden, two drunk doods bursted thru my suite door and proceeded to hug me. i was like...get the sewage flux outta my room before i dis-equilibrate. they made some loud noises, spilt alcohol, opened a few cupboards and doors and left in a drunken frenzy. i thought nothin' of it till my housemate came home (who was just visiting a friend downstairs for like 5 mins) and noticed his laptop was gone.

i was like...manure on a stick, this is worse than titrating with nitric acid.

we go see the don and apparently these drunken doods entered other suites as well but stole their alcohol. so we call UW campus police.
it takes them a good hr to arrive. we investigate and got some potentially useful info.

the thing that struck me at this time was that my housemate was very calm. he had a sense of peace around him. we prayed and just pranced around and waited.

and waited.

then we decided to go to bed.

my housemate just finished reading a passage of Scripture and i had just started reading mine...when we heard a knock on the door.

they found the laptop, unharmed. wow, it was so was like...after we reconciled, lifted it all up to God and just trusted came back.

This whole rendez-vous really got me thinking...where does my treasure lie? is it on earth where moth and dust destroy and thiefs can come in and destroy? or is it elsewhere for safe-keeping? do i have so much attachment to earthen things that i have lost sight of heaven?

i vow to never be attached to materialistic things as to allow it to strangle and suffocate my values in life.

"Hell is a state of mind - you never said a truer word. And every state of mind, left to itself, every shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind - is, in the end, Hell. But heaven is not a state of mind. Heaven is reality itself. All that is fully real is Heavenly. For all that can be shaken will be shaken and only the unshakable remains." [C.S. Lewis in The Great Divorce]

Thursday, February 02, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 9:53 PM |


had a talk with ma' housemate the other day...i'mma gonna be 30 soon. yea...then i got quite sad and did some thinking. this suxxors like undercooked lima beans. what will i accomplish getting an education and a degree or whatnot? a job? a career perhaps? man, meaningless...everything is meaningless!

a man's life is like a vapour in the wind, a blade of grass...seasons come and seasons go. then man will be no more. what will i do that will last past this life? why work so hard and spend so much time on things that don't really matter in the long run? why persevere thru the stress? why bother living a life of integrity? why study when i can sleep?

it's all about character. that's the bottomline.

"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion for the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." [Ecc 12:13-14]

"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." [2 Tim 2:20-21]

The latter verse was the verse we did for devos during the Tijuana mission's trip. Oh how i wish i were there. it's truly the simple things in life that shames the complex. when you have nothing...God truly becomes your everything.

Let me have nothing Lord.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
more tomorrow than today | 10:02 AM |

How to remain single on Valentine's day... i walked into the student life centre yesterday with my buddies, i was bombarded with an assorted array of flowers, gifts and lil' trinkets for your "loved" one on V-day. i was infinitessimally close to buying one of them long stemmed roses...until i realized, i haven't anyone to give it to. then i got depressed and decided to work on my physical biochem assignment for the rest of the afternoon to cheer myself up.

that got me thinking: with all this commercializing for V-day and the pressure mounting to give something to a certain someone...i've decided to come up with a strategy so that we will not fall into the temptation of buying random long stemmed roses for no reason.

just remain single.

yes, it's that simple. and here are five simpler ways to remain single for Valentine's Day:

5. pee in your pants. no ladies will stand 10 feet near you as you walk around with the aromatic smell of urea hanging around your pant legs.

4. use the line "If you were a booger, I'd pick you" on the girl you have a crush on, then proceed to pick a golden nugget outta your nose and hand it to her on a silver platter.

3. walk around in a bikini brief while sporting a unibrow. wink at anyone who decides to stare at you and proceed to blow a kiss.

2. eat lotsa beans the night before, then during your morning class sit next to a fair maiden and expel some CH4 and H2S biogas production that have accumulated overnight. then loudly proclaim that it was the fair maiden who did it.

1. be a NERK (nerd + jerk) if you're the author of this post you'll probably be single by default.

and we're done. beauty!

"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion for the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."
[Ecclisiastes 12:13-14]